

Finding out your child has cavities can trigger a wave of guilt. You might wonder if you should have been stricter about brushing or more careful about snacks. But before diving too deep into self-blame, it’s important to understand some facts about childhood cavities.

Dental cavities are incredibly common in children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that about 1 in 5 children between 5 and 11 years of age have at least one area of untreated tooth decay. Moreover, among children ages 6-8, over half have had a cavity in their baby teeth.

Recognizing Parental Guilt

When your child gets cavities, it’s normal to feel a mix of emotions. You might catch yourself thinking: “I feel like a bad parent” or “I haven’t’ reminded them to brush their teeth”. These thoughts are common, but remember: cavities are complex and not always a direct result of your actions.

Instead of dwelling on what you could have done differently, shift your focus to what you can do now. Start by acknowledging your feelings. It’s okay to be upset.

Then, remind yourself of the facts: cavities are common in children, and some kids are more prone to them due to factors beyond your control.

Why Some Kids Get More Cavities

Let’s break it down and explore why some kids are more cavity-prone than others.

Underlying Conditions

Some kids face extra challenges when it comes to tooth decay. Mouth breathers may be more prone to tooth problems too, as dry mouth can increase the risk of cavities.  Certain medications, such as asthma and ADHD medications, can also dry out your saliva.

Special needs children often have a higher cavity risk due to difficulties with oral care routines, medications, and/or dexterity.  Many children also have oral sensory aversions that take a longer time to both diagnose and work through in order to obtain proper oral hygiene.

Teeth can also come in with weak or defective enamel, a condition known as enamel hypoplasia, which makes them extremely prone to decay.

Read Also: Dental Care for Children with Special Needs: What You Need to Know

Tricky Teeth

Sometimes, it’s all in the teeth themselves. Some people have deeper grooves and pits in their molars can trap food and bacteria, making them hotspots for decay.

Lack of space in the mouth from orthodontic crowding makes cleaning more difficult than normal, as the contacts between the teeth are so “tight” that it’s very easy for cavities to brew there.

The Family Factor

Cavity-prone teeth can run in the family. If you or your partner battled cavities growing up, your kids might too. Genetics plays a role in tooth strength and enamel quality. Conditions like enamel hypoplasia, where teeth have thin or weak enamel, can be passed down and make teeth more vulnerable to decay.

Read Also: The 5 Most Common Causes of Cavities in Children

Focus on the Now

Cavities in kids happen for many reasons. Instead of dwelling on why, focus on what you can do now. Keep caring for your child’s teeth as best you can and don’t beat yourself up.

Building Good Habits

Start early with daily tooth brushing and flossing routines. Remember, most kids can’t brush or floss well on their own until about age 11, so you’ll need to help out.

Healthy Eating, Healthy Teeth

What your child eats matters. Try to limit sweets and sugary drinks. A balanced diet can help keep cavities at bay.

Read Also: Tips for Keeping Your Child Cavity-Free 

Extra Protection

Ask your dentist about preventive treatments like fluoride and dental sealants. These can give your child’s teeth extra defense against cavities.

Read Also: Dental Sealants: How They Can Benefit Your Child’s Oral Health

Regular Check-ups are Key

This is super important. Your pediatric dentist knows a lot about your child’s teeth and can guide you. Plus, regular visits catch problems early before they get worse.

Remember, cavities happen. What matters is how you handle them moving forward. Keep up the good work, and don’t let guilt get in the way of your child’s healthy smile.

If you live in Lafayette, Breaux Bridge, Carencro, Youngsville, or the surrounding areas, our local dentist team at Lafayette Pediatric Dentistry is here to support you and your child. We understand the challenges of keeping young teeth healthy, and we’re ready to help.

Whether you need a routine check-up, have concerns about cavities, or just want to chat about your child’s dental health, we’re here for you. We strive to make dental visits comfortable for kids of all ages. Give us a call to schedule an appointment, or request an appointment online.