
It can be pretty unsettling to notice changes in your child’s mouth, like if their gums seem to be pulling away from their teeth.

Receding gums are actually more common than you might think, not just in kids, but in adults too. We see it a lot with our young patients, but it’s definitely not something to ignore.

What is Gum Recession?A close-up of a person's mouth showing gum recession on the lower front teeth

Gum recession is a condition where the gums around the bottom or top of a tooth gradually pull back, exposing the roots.

The roots are more delicate and sensitive than the enamel, so when they’re exposed, it can lead to pain or discomfort, especially when eating or drinking something hot, cold, acidic, or sweet.

It can also make your teeth more vulnerable to damage or decay over time.

Common Causes of Gum Recession in Kids (and What to Do About It)

Gum recession is something we see quite often in our practice, and here are the most common causes.

Plaque and Tartar Buildup

Not brushing thoroughly enough is one of the most common causes of gum recession.

If plaque and tartar are allowed to build up at the base of the teeth near the gums, it eventually causes chronic inflammation and excess bacterial colonization at the site, or gum disease. Eventually the gums detach from the tooth, or recess.

So of course, meticulous oral hygiene is crucial to prevent this. Make sure your child brushes all sides of their teeth and along the gumline, not just the spots that are easy to reach, as well as flosses, which addresses the gums in between teeth.

Vigorous Brushing

What we stress to parents is that it’s not about how hard you brush but instead about how thoroughly.  If your child brushes their own teeth, keep an eye on them to make sure they’re not pressing too hard.

Show them how to brush gently but thoroughly, not scrubbing them. If you’re brushing for them, make sure to use soft, gentle motions.

Think of it as giving their gums a little massage rather than scrubbing like you’re cleaning a pan.

Lip Tie

We also come across cases of gum recession caused by lip ties. This happens when a thin band of tissue (called the frenum) connects the lip too close to the gumline.

The constant pulling when your child smiles or eats can cause the gum to recede over time.

If we spot a lip tie during a checkup, we often recommend a procedure called a frenectomy. It’s painless, effective, and helps protect the gums from further damage and other possible problems.

Read more: Tongue- and Lip-Ties: Addressing Common Misconceptions

BracesA close-up of a smiling child wearing metal braces with red and black brackets on their teeth

Braces are great for straightening teeth, but they can sometimes cause gum issues. We often see kids with gum recession caused by repositioning of a tooth by braces.

If your child has braces and we notice signs of gum recession, we usually recommend talking to their orthodontist to find the best solution.  In most cases, the recession resolves after braces.

Malocclusion (Bite is off)

When a tooth does not align with the opposing tooth properly, too much stress can be transmitted to that one tooth, instead of being distributed equally among all teeth. This constant stress on the tooth can lead to gum recession.

Additionally, if a tooth is “crowded out” of an arch, gum recession can occur because the tooth is inappropriately located in an area with thinner gum tissue, where teeth were not meant to be supported.

It is important to check if your bite is properly aligned, either with braces or by other means, to avoid this issue.


Many children have nervous habits.  Believe it or not, one of these habits can be gum picking! Many parents do not realize it is even occurring until their child’s dentist notices the recession upon examination.

Some children even pick at their gums with objects like straws and toys—we see it a lot.  Make sure you address this with your child if you see it happening.

How is Gum Recession Fixed?

The most common cause of recession is poor oral hygiene, so thorough brushing and flossing are always the simplest solutions.

In more complex cases, there are some oral surgical procedures or laser treatments commonly used to heal recession.

Talk to your dentist for more information if the recession has not diminished by improving oral hygiene at home.

If You Think Your Child Might Have Gum Recession, Talk to Their Dentist

There are a few signs of gum recession you can keep an eye out for. One of the most obvious is gums that look visibly pushed back, which makes teeth appear longer.

Other signs include sensitivity to hot, cold, or acidic foods and drinks, and in some cases, your child may even feel pain without any clear trigger. If you notice any of these symptoms, talk to your child’s dentist.

Read more: Ouch! Your Child Might be Dealing with Tooth Sensitivity

Kids also often don’t tell you if they’re in pain or feeling uncomfortable, which is why regular dental checkups are so important.

During these visits, your child’s dentist can spot early signs of gum recession and other issues, even if your child hasn’t said anything.

We’re here to help! If you think your child might have gum recession, we can check and recommend the best treatment options.

If it’s been a while since their last checkup, now’s a great time to schedule that 6-month visit. Give us a call or request an appointment online with our pediatric dental specialists at Lafayette Pediatric Dentistry!