

Is Chewing Ice Harmful to Your Child’s Teeth?

Is Chewing Ice Harmful to Your Child’s Teeth?

As the weather warms up, your child might be reaching for more ice to cool down. But parents beware: that seemingly harmless habit of chewing ice can spell trouble for your little one’s teeth.

The Facts About Wisdom Teeth: A Must-Read for Teens

The Facts About Wisdom Teeth: A Must-Read for Teens

If you’re a teenager or a parent of one, you’ve probably noticed the many changes happening in your body or your child’s body, and one of these significant changes is the emergence of wisdom teeth.

Tips for Keeping Your Child Cavity-Free

Tips for Keeping Your Child Cavity-Free

What your child eats and drinks is also very important, as the food and beverages your child consumes will either contribute to the development of cavities or promote strong, healthy teeth.

The Oral Health Risks of Tobacco Product Use

The Oral Health Risks of Tobacco Product Use

In Louisiana alone, 1 in 3 high schoolers reported using e-cigarettes. These alarming statistics endanger not only long-term health but also adolescent oral health still developing in these formative years.

Making Kids’ Dental Care Affordable with Savings Plans

Making Kids’ Dental Care Affordable with Savings Plans

Getting your child regular dental care is extremely important for their health and development, but it can also get expensive very quickly. Fortunately, there are options to make routine dental care for your children more affordable, including dental savings plans.